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Neighborhood Nature - On the Merrimack
Start: Washington Square

RSVP Required

WHEN: Sunday, March 10
1:00-2:30 pm

WHERE: Meet at Washington Square, Haverhill
(Washington Square MEVA bus stop)
(Parking in Goecke Parking Deck, free on Sundays, as of Nov. 2023)

Tour downtown Haverhill's riverwalk and a section of the Bradford Rail Trail as part of this urban nature walk with John Macone, Policy & Education Specialist at the Merrimack River Watershed Council.

Terrain: Easy (mostly flat, some paved, some packed dirt)

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.


Greenbelt is grateful to several professional and staff photographers whose work is featured prominently within our website.
Thank you Jerry Monkman /, Lynne Holton, Kindra Clineff, Adrian Scholes and John Raleigh.