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Forest Bathing
Julia Bird Reservation, Ipswich

WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 30

9:00 am - Noon

WHERE: Julia Bird Reservation, Ipswich

Join Certified Forest Therapy Guide Nadine Mazzola for this relaxing outdoor experience.

What is Forest Bathing?

"Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. In Japan it is called "shinrin yoku," which translates to "forest bathing." Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for stabilizing and improving mood and cognition."
-- New England Nature and Forest Therapy

Nadine Mazzola is author of the award winning book “Forest Bathing with Your Dog”, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and founder/director of New England Nature and Forest Therapy Consulting based in Massachusetts. She is also a trainer/mentor and advisor for the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs (ANFT). Nadine has been featured on PBS Windows to the Wild, ABC’s Chronicle, and in the Boston Globe, Boston Magazine among others.

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Thank you Jerry Monkman /, Lynne Holton, Kindra Clineff, Adrian Scholes and John Raleigh.