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Senior Stroll - Habitats
Arthur Ewell Reservation

RSVP Required

WHEN: Thurs., April 11 (This is a new date!)
9:30-11:00 am

WHERE: Arthur Ewell Reservation, Rowley
(this is a change from the previously published location)

Enjoy a leisurely walk with naturalist educator Laurie Hark at this reservation with a variety of habitats. Laurie will lead the group to examine the environment carefully and uncover the many animal habitats that can be found in fields, wetlands and forests.

N.B. Terrain is mostly flat, with packed dirt with grassy sections.

Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.


Greenbelt is grateful to several professional and staff photographers whose work is featured prominently within our website.
Thank you Jerry Monkman /, Lynne Holton, Kindra Clineff, Adrian Scholes and John Raleigh.