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Senior Stroll - Vernal Pools
Vineyard Hill Reservation, Hamilton

An outing for seniors to take a gentle stroll and learn about vernal pools. 

RSVP Required

WHEN: Thurs., May 30
9:30-11:00 am

WHERE: Vineyard Hill Reservation, Hamilton

Join guide Laurie Hark on this gentle walk to discover a vernal pool and learn about its inhabitants.

Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Asbury Street
South Hamilton, MA 01982
United States

(RSVP required)
(RSVP required)

Greenbelt is grateful to several professional and staff photographers whose work is featured prominently within our website.
Thank you Jerry Monkman /, Lynne Holton, Kindra Clineff, Adrian Scholes and John Raleigh.